Re: [PATCH] CHECK_IRQ_PER_CPU() to avoid dead code in __do_IRQ()
From: Karsten Wiese
Date: Mon Aug 08 2005 - 10:40:32 EST
Am Montag, 8. August 2005 13:19 schrieb Alexander Nyberg:
> There are many places where one could replace run-time tests with
> #ifdef's but it makes reading more difficult (and in longer terms
> maintainence). Have you benchmarked any workload that benefits
> from this?
Performance gain is small, but measurable: 0,02%
Tested on an Atlon64 running at 1000MHz.
I took this value from 9 runs (each with/without the patch) of
$ time lame x.wav
where each took about 1 minute.
3000 Interrupts/s were generated at the time by running
$ jackd -R -dalsa -p64 -n2
0,02% really isn't that much....but Athlon64 is better than P4
with branch predictions, I think.
Erm... ok, I won't insist on having this patch applied ;-)
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