CCITT-CRC16 in kernel
From: linux-os (Dick Johnson)
Date: Wed Aug 10 2005 - 14:57:49 EST
Hello CRC Wizards,
I am trying to use ../linux-2.6.12/lib/crc_citt in a driver.
Basically, it doesn't return anything that closely resembles
the CCIT-16 CRC. I note that drivers that use it expect it
to return 0xf0b8 if it performs the CRC of something that
has the CRC appended (weird).
Does anybody know what the CRC of a known string is supposed
to be? I have documentation that states that the CCITT CRC-16
of "123456789" is supposed to be 0xe5cc and "A" is supposed
to be 0x9479. The kernel one doesn't do this. In fact, I
haven't found anything on the net that returns the "correct"
value regardless of how it's initialized or how it's mucked
with after the CRC (well I could just set the CRC to 0 and
add the correct number). Anyway, how do I use the crc_citt
in the kernel? I've grepped through some drivers that use
it and they all seem to check the result against some
magic rather than performing the CRC of data, but not the
CRC, then comparing it to the CRC. One should not have
to use magic to verify a CRC, one should just perform
a CRC on the data, but not the CRC, then compare the result
with the CRC. Am I missing something here?
Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.6.12 on an i686 machine (5537.79 BogoMips).
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