Re: Problem with usb-storage and /dev/sd?

From: DervishD
Date: Wed Aug 10 2005 - 17:03:10 EST

Hi Tomasz :)

* Tomasz Torcz <zdzichu@xxxxxx> dixit:
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2005 at 09:22:43PM +0200, DervishD wrote:
> > The problem is that if I plug my USB memory, unplug it and plug
> > my MP3 player, it gets /dev/sdb this time, not /dev/sda. The mess is
> > even greater if I plug my card reader, which has four LUN's...
> That's what udev is for.

I know, but I use a 2.4.x kernel (which I didn't mention in my
original message, sorry O:)), and udev needs a 2.6.x kernel, am I

> Go figure how to udev-enable your distribution.

I have a do-it-yourself Linux box, so setting up udev is not much
of a problem as long as the kernel supports it. If udev doesn't use
any kernel magic (that is, it only uses /sbin/hotplug), how the heck
does it know which /dev/sd? the *kernel* assigned to my recently
plugged USB device? How can it influenciate which device is assigned
*by the kernel*? I assume that it needs some magic from the kernel
and so it only works for 2.6.x :???? In fact, if it uses sysfs, it
still needs a 2.6.x for that, am I wrong?

I'll take a look anyway, thanks a lot for your message and help :)

Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

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