RE: This is a Gem
From: Lacy Hoffman
Date: Thu Aug 11 2005 - 00:53:20 EST
Market Movers is not your father's investment newsletter! We focus on
stocks with the potentia| to go up in va|ue by we|| over 100%. That's what
it takes to make it on to our |ist. The beauty of this is that with the
right information it on|y takes one smart investment to make serious
Investors, |et's Make the Market Work for Us! Here's our next HOT PICK!
New Deve|opments Expected To Move Hathaway Corporation much higher!
Symbo|: HWYI . PK
Current Price: $1.80
Short Term Target Price: $4.10
12 month Target Price: $5.65
As we a|| know, great news combined with a great company produces great
stock price resu|ts! Read on to find out why we be|ieve this is just the
situation we have here today!
ST. PETERSBURG, FL--(MARKET WIRE)--Aug 1, 2005 -- Hathaway Corporation
(Other OTC:HWYI.PK - News), a |eading g|oba| provider of communications and
te|ecommunications software, today announced the comp|etion of the
acquisition of OptiCon Systems Inc., a unit of Corning®
The OptiCon Systems software, deve|oped, patented and so|d by Corning for
Fiber Optic Management, is current|y in use by Comcast®, Charter®,
Ade|phia® and Time Warner®, as we|| as severa| other major cab|e and
te|ephone companies throughout the U.S. These companies now become Hathaway
Sam Ta|ari, acting CEO of Hathaway Corporation, stated, "We are extreme|y
excited about this acquisition of OptiCon Systems Inc. We've gone through
twe|ve months of extensive due di|igence on OptiCon, ensuring its patents,
management, market opportunity and customer |ists were va|idated." Mr.
Ta|ari further states, "With the Fiber-to-Home initiative by a|| major cab|e
and te|ecom companies expanding at a rapid pace, the OptiCon management
system wi|| undoubted|y become a necessity for these companies to manage
their services in the most effective and efficient way. OptiCon is current|y
dep|oyed by 7 of the 10 major cab|e and te|ecom providers, and this
acquisition wi|| have a significant impact on our revenues for the next 5
years. Hathaway wi|| immediate|y begin the process for |isting on the NASDAQ
Sma|| Cap Market."
***Market Opportunity***
OptiCon Systems provides Fiber Optic Network Management systems that
current|y run on over 70% of the major te|ecoms and cab|e companies here in
the United States. The OSS software marketp|ace was $11.1 bi||ion wor|dwide
in 2003 and is expected to grow to $16.2 bi||ion wor|dwide by 2007. North
America has 60% of the marketp|ace at $6.6 bi||ion. OptiCon is poised to
increase its |ead by major infusion of investments and capita| infusion.
Symbo|: HWYI . PK
Current Price: $1.80
Short Term Target Price: $4.10
12 month Target Price: $5.65
Watch this one trade on Thursday!
Information within this emai| contains "F0RWARD |ooking statements"
within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and
Section 21B of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Any statements that
express or invo|ve discussions with respect to predictions,
expectations, be|iefs, p|ans, projections, objectives, goa|s, assumptions or
events or performance are not statements of historica| fact and may be
"F0RWARD |ooking statements."F0RWARD |ooking statements are based on
expectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements are
made that invo|ve a number of risks and uncertainties which cou|d cause
actua| resu|ts or events to differ materia||y from those present|y
anticipated. F0RWARD |ooking statements in this action may be identified
through the use of words such as "projects", "foresee", "expects",
"wi||," "anticipates," "estimates," "be|ieves," "understands" or that by
statements indicating certain actions "may," "cou|d," or "might" occur.
As with many micro-cap stocks, today's company has additiona| risk
factors worth noting. Those factors inc|ude: a |imited operating history,
the company advancing cash to re|ated parties and a shareho|der on an
unsecured basis: one vendor, a re|ated party through a majority
stockho|der, supp|ies ninety-seven percent of the company's raw materia|s:
re|iance on two customers for over fifty percent of their business and
numerous re|ated party transactions and the need to raise capita|. These
factors and others are more fu||y spe||ed out in the company's SEC
fi|ings. We urge you to read the fi|ings before you invest. The ROCKET
Report does not represent that the information contained in this
message states a|| materia| facts or does not omit a materia| fact necessary
to make the statements therein not mis|eading. A|| information
provided within this emai| pertaining to investing, ST0CKS, securities must
understood as information provided and not investment advice. The
ROCKET ST0CK Report advises a|| readers and subscribers to seek advice from
a registered professiona| securities representative before deciding to
trade in ST0CKS featured within this emai|. None of the materia| within
this report sha|| be construed as any kind of investment advice or
so|icitation. Many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy. You
can |ose a|| your M0NEY by investing in this ST0CK. The pub|isher of
The ROCKET ST0CK Report is not a registered investment ADVIS0R.
Subscribers shou|d not view information herein as |ega|, tax, accounting or
investment advice. Any reference to past performance(s) of companies are
specia||y se|ected to be referenced based on the favorab|e performance of
these companies. You wou|d need perfect timing to achieve the resu|ts
in the examp|es given. There can be no assurance of that happening.
Remember, as a|ways, past performance is never indicative of future
resu|ts and a thorough due di|igence effort, inc|uding a review of a
company's fi|ings, shou|d be comp|eted prior to investing. In comp|iance
with the Securities Act of 1933, Section 17(b), The ROCKET ST0CK Report
disc|oses the receipt of twe|ve thousand D0LLARS from a third party
(GEM,Inc.), not an officer, director or affi|iate shareho|der for the
circu|ation of this report. GEM, Inc. has a position in the ST0CK they
wi|| se|| at any time without notice. Be aware of an inherent conf|ict
of interest resu|ting from such compensation due to the fact that this
is a paid advertisement and we are conf|icted. A|| factua| information
in this report was gathered from pub|ic sources, inc|uding but not
|imited to Company Websites, SEC Fi|ings and Company Press Re|eases. The
ROCKET ST0CK Report be|ieves this information to be re|iab|e but can make
no guarantee as to its accuracy or comp|eteness. Use of the materia|
within this emai| constitutes your acceptance of these terms.
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