Re: Need help in understanding x86 syscall

From: linux-os (Dick Johnson)
Date: Thu Aug 11 2005 - 09:05:15 EST

On Thu, 11 Aug 2005, Bodo Eggert wrote:

> Ukil a <ukil_a@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Now I had the doubt that if the the syscall
>> implementation is very large will the scheduling and
>> other interrupts be blocked for the whole time till
>> the process returns from the ISR (because in an ISR by
>> default the interrupts are disabled unless "sti" is
>> called explicitly)?
> According to my documentation it isn't. A software interrupt is a far call
> with an extra pushf, and a hardware interrupt is protected against recursion
> by the PIC, not by an interrupt flag.
> --

Every interrupt software, or hardware, results in the branched
procedure being executed with the interrupts OFF. That's why
one of the first instructions in the kernel entry for a syscall
is 'sti' to turn them back on. Look at entry.S, line 182. This
occurs any time a trap occurs as well (Page 26-168, i486
Programmer's reference manual). FYI, this is helpful when
designing/debugging complex interrupt-service routines since
you can execute the interrupt with a software 'INT' instruction
(with the correct offset from the IRQ you are using). The software
doesn't 'know' where the interrupt came from, HW or SW.

Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.6.12 on an i686 machine (5537.79 BogoMips).
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