Re: NCQ support NVidia NForce4 (CK804) SATAII

From: Michael Thonke
Date: Thu Aug 11 2005 - 11:32:51 EST

Roger Heflin schrieb:

For high end stuff Serverworks is supposed to have some
AMD stuff soon (this is rumor I heard).

If there where some pieces for desktop from AMD orignially I would take them..but
they don't offer...that's the cry.

Like Intel offer ..Intel CPU + Intel Chipset best combination overall ATM.

From what Allen said, the implication to me is that something
in the current NVIDIA stat NCQ chipset is *not* fully under
NVIDIA's control,

What the sell hardware they can't support or develop driver for it..
okay that's the point why many windows users complain about Data corruption.

Thanks for raising this point.

ie they got some piece of technology from
someone else and cannot disclose its details, which would be
why the could release a "clean" redesigned one.


A bit late or not? What we have done to get this punishment?
I love Linux and I won't move from it because of it...loyality :-)

Michael Thonke
IT-Systemintegrator /
System- and Softwareanalyist

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