Re: [Patch] Support UTF-8 scripts
From: Kyle Moffett
Date: Sun Aug 14 2005 - 16:53:26 EST
On Aug 14, 2005, at 02:18:13, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
"LR" == Lee Revell <rlrevell@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
LR> Is Larry smoking crack?
From the Perl6-Bible:
I think this confirms that the answer is yes. See the following at
the above URL:
Note that ?^ is functionally identical to !.?| differs from || in
that ?| always
returns a standard boolean value (either 1 or 0), whereas ||
returns the actual
value of the first of its arguments that is true.
Since when is the string "!.?|" an operator??? Or "?^", "+|", "~|",
"?|", etc. I
think Larry's gone off the deep end on this one. It may be an
incredibly powerful
and expressive language, but it seems _really_ strange, and probably
will produce
the best Obfuscated-code contest the world has ever seen. (Better
even than the
Perl5 one).
Kyle Moffett
Simple things should be simple and complex things should be possible
-- Alan Kay
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