Hi Manohar,-
Yes, you need to put a scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d
which would invoke your daemon. You should provide
options in this script to start/stop this daemon and
fetch it's status etc. Please look at any other script
there - for example nfs. The daemon binary can be
placed anywhere, say /usr/sbin or anywhere else. If
you put this startup script in /etc/rc.d/init.d your
daemon will be loaded at startup.
Another thought on this one: If you put your commands
in rc.sysinit, they are executed at startup so you can
start your daemon from there as well. It should work
but I don't think that is the correct way to do it.
--- "P.Manohar" <pmanohar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
I have written a daemon, and it is working when I
load it.
Now I want to start that daemon at startup in
linux, so that without
manually running , it has to start along with all
the daemons available
in the system. I came to know that we need to put a
script into
similar to sshd or atd. Do we need to write a script
to run my daemon?
I have the daemon's binary, what should be the
script content to run it .
But my daemon is just a single executable, is there
any othr way to do
Thanks In Advance.
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