Re: KLive: Linux Kernel Live Usage Monitor
From: Rogier Wolff
Date: Tue Aug 30 2005 - 03:30:29 EST
On Tue, Aug 30, 2005 at 10:01:21AM +0200, Sven Ladegast wrote:
> The idea isn't bad but lots of people could think that this is some kind
> of home-phoning or spy software. I guess lots of people would turn this
> feature off...and of course you can't enable it by default. But combined
> with an automatic oops/panic/bug-report this would be _very_ useful I think.
It IS some "home phoning" and "spy software". However, when the
goal is to sign you up for more direct marketing, people tend to
object. When the goal is to keep track of running kernels, I'm
hopeful that people will recognise that this is different.
A trick to use would be to send an UDP packet at boot (after 1 minute
or so), and then randomly say "once a month" (i.e. about 1/30 chance of
sending a packet on the first day) The number of these random packets
recieved is a measure of the number of CPU-months that the kernel
** R.E.Wolff@xxxxxxxxxxxx ** ** +31-15-2600998 **
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