Re: FW: [RFC] A more general timeout specification

From: Christopher Friesen
Date: Wed Aug 31 2005 - 17:06:51 EST

Joe Korty wrote:

The returned timeout struct has a bit used to mark the value as absolute. Thus
the caller treats the returned timeout as a opaque cookie that can be
reapplied to the next (or more likely, the to-be restarted) timeout.

Okay, endtime is always absolute value of when it should have expired. But I think I see a problem with the opaque cookie scheme and repeating timeouts.

Suppose I want to wake my application at INTERVAL nanoseconds from now on the MONOTONIC clock, then again every INTERVAL nanoseconds after that.

How do I do that with this API?

I can get the first sleep. Suppose I oversleep by X nanoseconds. I wake, and get an opaque timeout back. How do I ask for the new wake time to be "endtime + INTERVAL"?

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