Re: [RFC][CFLART] ipmi procfs bogosity

From: Corey Minyard
Date: Thu Sep 01 2005 - 18:04:22 EST

Andrew Morton wrote:

Corey Minyard <minyard@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Indeed, this function is badly written. In rewriting, I couldn't find a
nice function for reading integers from userspace, and the proc_dointvec
stuff didn't seem terribly suitable.

We write numbers into profs files all the time. Is there something
different about the IPMI requirement which makes the approach used by, say,
dirty_writeback_centisecs_handler() inappropriate?

Ok, that's probably better, and this probably belongs in /proc/sys/dev/ipmi. This is new enough that it doesn't matter, I don't think any one is using it yet.

Patch is attached.


Attachment: ipmi-poweroff-fix-chassis-ctrl.patch
Description: unknown/unknown