RE: RFC: i386: kill !4KSTACKS

From: Alex Davis
Date: Fri Sep 02 2005 - 01:09:16 EST

ndiswrapper and driverloader will not work reliably with 4k stacks.
This is because of the Windoze drivers they use, to which, obviously,
they do not have the source. Since quite a few laptops have built-in
wireless cards by companies who will not release an open-source driver,
or won't release specs, ndiswrapper and driverloader are the only way
to get these cards to work.
Please don't tell me to "get a linux-supported wireless card". I don't
want the clutter of an external wireless adapter sticking out of my laptop,
nor do I want to spend money on a card when I have a free and working solution.

Thank you.


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