Re: RFC: i386: kill !4KSTACKS

From: Kyle Moffett
Date: Sun Sep 04 2005 - 22:55:10 EST

On Sep 4, 2005, at 23:41:58, Alex Davis wrote:
--- Sean <seanlkml@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It's not a philosophical issue, it's what Linux _is_: an open source
operating system! That's what the developers are working on; not your
half-baked vision.
Um, ever hear of 'compromise'?? All I'm saying is let people use what
currently works until we can get an open-source solution. Ndiswrapper's
existence is not stopping you (or anyone else) from pestering manufacturers
for spec's and writing drivers. I look at ndiswrapper as a stop-gap solution.
Hey, even Linus himself has said 'better a sub-optimal solution than no solution'.

In any case, this discussion is moot because the kernel API is changing
for the better and there is a clearly defined fix for ndiswrapper that
will allow it to continue to work even with the new interface: allocate
a separate ndiswrapper stack (IE: Not the kernel stacks). The kernel is
under no obligation not to break out-of-tree drivers, etc, even semi- non-
-binary-only ones such as ndiswrapper. Figure out how to fix it and
move on!

Kyle Moffett

Q: Why do programmers confuse Halloween and Christmas?
A: Because OCT 31 == DEC 25.

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