re: RFC: i386: kill !4KSTACKS
From: Sean
Date: Sun Sep 04 2005 - 23:13:17 EST
On Mon, September 5, 2005 12:03 am, Alex Davis said:
> What if you don't have a choice? When someone comes to me with their
> laptop
> containing a built-in wireless card not natively supported by Linux, am I
> supposed to tell them "go buy a Linux-supported card" when there's a way
> I can make their existing card work? I don't think so.
You always have a choice in life. Nobody is stopping you from doing what
_you_ choose to do. That doesn't mean that developers who are concerned
with the creation and promotion of open source should care one whit about
your particular take on the situation. Go do whatever you want just
don't expect the open source developers to pay for it; you maintain the
crufty patches yourself.
If you want to see the stupidity of your argument imagine someone going to
Microsoft and saying... "look, if you'd simply stop charging for MS
Windows more people would embrace it!" Do you think therefore microsoft
should stop charging for Windows???
What if I wrote an email to them and said... "A friend of mine brings me
his laptop to install Windows on it, but he can't afford a copy of
Windows!!!" Do you think they should stop charging for Windows to help
you out?? Get real.
Please just do whatever you want and stop hoping that open source
developers will ever care about your choice to embrace binary-only
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