Re: How to plan a kernel update ?
From: Weber Ress
Date: Fri Sep 09 2005 - 12:54:54 EST
Thank's for all to help me. I can resume this conversation in two topics:
- If I have a server with 2.4, it's interesting create a process to
make frequent kernel update (2.4.1, 2.4.2, 2.4.3, etc), until the
latest 2.4 stable version. The same process be equal to a 2.6 server.
- To change a server in 2.4 stable version to 2.6 stable version, it's
interesting create a new server and reinstall all applications.
Weber Ress
On 9/8/05, Jesper Juhl <jesper.juhl@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 9/8/05, Weber Ress <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm responsible to planning a kernel upgrade in many servers, from 2.4
> > version to 2.6.13 (last stable version), using Debian 3.1r0a
> >
> > My team has good technical skills, but they need to be led. I would
> > like know, what's the best pratices and recommendations that a project
> > manager need think BEFORE an kernel upgrade.
> >
> > A technical guy have a particular vision about this upgrade, but I
> > will be very been thankful if I receive from this community another
> > vision.. a vision centered in the project process (planning,
> > executing, controlling) to make this activity successfully.
> >
> Ok, I'm no project manager, I guess I'd be clasified as one of the
> "technical guys", but I do upgrade a lot of kernels, so I'll tell you
> a little about what I do and what I'd recommend. Then you can do with
> that info what you like :)
> The very first thing you want to do is to ensure that all core
> utilities/tools are up-to-date to versions that will work with your
> new kernel.
> If you download a copy of the 2.6.13 kernel source, extract it, and
> look in the file Documentation/Changes you'll see a list of tools and
> utils along with the minimum required version for them to work
> properly with that kernel. Ensure those tools are OK.
> Once you are sure the core utils are up-to-date you need to go check
> whatever other important programs you have on the machine(s) and check
> that those are also able to run OK with the new kernel.
> Once you are satisfied that everything is up to a level that'll work
> with the new kernel you can go build the new 2.6.13 kernel and drop it
> in place. You don't need to remove your existing kernel first, you can
> just install the 2.6.13 kernel side by side with the old one and test
> boot it, then if it doesn't work right you can always reboot back to
> the old one.
> Most likely you can find documentation for your distribution stating
> what version of it is "2.6 ready" - I use Slackware for example, and
> Slackware 10.1 is completely 2.6 kernel ready, so on a Slackware 10.1
> box there's no hassle at all, I just drop in a 2.6 kernel in place of
> the 2.4 one it installs by default and everything is good - all tools
> are already ready to cope.
> --
> Jesper Juhl <jesper.juhl@xxxxxxxxx>
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