[PATCH - Resend] PNPACPI: clean blacklist
From: matthieu castet
Date: Sun Sep 11 2005 - 05:13:11 EST
this patch clean the blacklist and should be applied after "only parse
device that have CRS method" patch:
Battery, Button, Fan don't have a CRS and should be removed.
PCI root, PIC, Timer are in pnpbios and are harmless.
Please comment and consider for inclusion.
Index: linux-2.6.13rc/drivers/pnp/pnpacpi/core.c
--- linux-2.6.13rc.orig/drivers/pnp/pnpacpi/core.c 2005-08-28 19:26:35.000000000 +0200
+++ linux-2.6.13rc/drivers/pnp/pnpacpi/core.c 2005-08-28 19:34:30.000000000 +0200
@@ -27,15 +27,15 @@
static int num = 0;
+/* We need only to blacklist device that have already an acpi driver that
+ * can't use pnp layer. We don't need to blacklist device that are directly
+ * used by the kernel (PIC, Timer, ...), as it is harmless and there were
+ * already present in pnpbios. Finaly only devices that have a CRS method
+ * need to be in this list.
+ */
static char __initdata excluded_id_list[] =
- "PNP0C0A," /* Battery */
- "PNP0C0C,PNP0C0E,PNP0C0D," /* Button */
"PNP0C09," /* EC */
- "PNP0C0B," /* Fan */
- "PNP0A03," /* PCI root */
"PNP0C0F," /* Link device */
- "PNP0000," /* PIC */
- "PNP0100," /* Timer */
static inline int is_exclusive_device(struct acpi_device *dev)