Re: ACPI S3 and ieee1394 don't get along
From: Stefan Richter
Date: Tue Sep 13 2005 - 19:18:48 EST
Jan De Luyck wrote:
after putting my laptop into S3 and reviving it at home, the firewire
interface was unusable, no response when plugging in my external disk,
loading sbp2 manually didn't trigger anything.
I saw this thread:
tho I'm not sure if it's relevant to this.
IEEE 1394 power management (i.e. management of bus power consumption or
of other nodes' internal power states) is not related to ACPI suspend/
resume of the local controller AFAICS.
According to your log, the cause is to be looked for in ohci1394's
purely hardware related parts or perhaps even outside of the ieee1394
Stefan Richter
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