Re: A pettiness question.
From: Fawad Lateef
Date: Wed Sep 21 2005 - 21:43:52 EST
On 9/22/05, Nick Warne <nick@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Interesting. I thought maybe this way was trick, until later I experimented.
> My post here (as Bill Stokes):
> So what is the reason to doing !!num as opposed to num ? 1:0 (which is more
> readable I think, especially to a lesser experienced C coder). Quicker to
> type?
I think using !! is quick and the place where it is used, will look
little bit odd (like you say in #define or macros) if some one use num
? 1 : 0 ...... And I think lesser experienced C coder will learn other
ways of doing same things !!!!!
> My quick test shows compiler renders both the same?
Ya, I think both !! and num ? 1: 0 will result in same thing by compiler
Fawad Lateef
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