Re: [2.6.14] Cpufreq_ondemand sysfs names change
From: Alexander Clouter
Date: Thu Sep 29 2005 - 04:47:27 EST
Stefan Seyfried <seife@xxxxxxx> [20050929 10:54:01 +0200]:
> >> My thinking too, its a relatively new feature and when I have looked around
> >> very few userland tools even tinker with ondemand so either we do it now or
> >> not at all...or rather we do it later and listen to everyone complain :)
> so the early birds are doomed? ;-)
they don't call it *bleeding* edge for no reason ;) I'll promise not to flip
it back again, deal?
> I'll bite the bullet if this "flip the meaning" gets in, but i don't
> like it. I'll have to check for the kernel version in my userspace code,
> then which is generally a bad idea IMO.
I agree, its messy that this was not dealt with on day one before the code
was even merged but the meaning is logically the other way round to what you
would expect it to mean from reading the sysfs name. Joe Public is going to
get confused on this one, rightly so too.
> --
> Stefan Seyfried \ "I didn't want to write for pay. I
> QA / R&D Team Mobile Devices \ wanted to be paid for what I write."
> SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nürnberg \ -- Leonard Cohen
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\ without Anita Bryant. /
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