Re: [PATCH] Document patch subject line better
From: Paul Jackson
Date: Mon Oct 03 2005 - 10:55:33 EST
> Hint: missing "---".
I did put it in, but "quilt refresh" took it out.
I send patches directly from my quilt patches directory. The patches
file ends up being -exactly- the email message body. I did put in a
"---", with a short comment about how this patch fit in with the
earlier ones of yesterday, and removed the "Index: " and "========="
lines that quilt adds.
But then I forgot and ran a "quilt refresh" before I sent the patch,
and it erased that "---" line and comments, and reestablished its
"Index: " and "=========" lines, as it always does.
Ideally either I should change my patch sending process, or I should
change quilt. I don't know which yet. Meanwhile, I am taking
advantage of the hack in your tools that filters out "Index: " lines.
I won't rest till it's the best ...
Programmer, Linux Scalability
Paul Jackson <pj@xxxxxxx> 1.925.600.0401
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