Re: what's next for the linux kernel?
From: Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Date: Mon Oct 03 2005 - 14:12:33 EST
On Mon, Oct 03, 2005 at 06:00:56PM +0200, Miklos Szeredi wrote:
> > But you /know/ this because you're a microprocessor designer as well
> > as a contributor to the FUSE project?
> AFAIK Luke never contributed to the FUSE project. Hopefully that
> answers your question.
i added xattr support to fuse, for use in selinux. it's a long story.
and yes, for the record, i am just as comfortable with hardware
designs as with software, having designed a massively parallel
encryption algorithm capable of doing up to about 16384-bit
block sizes with key sizes of up to around 8192-bits, (which
unfortunately wasn't very fast in software - you can't have
everything), came up with some significant improvements to
the plessey/imperial-uni/man-uni ALICE parallel transputer
network as a third year project, and also provided aspex,
the massively-parallel SIMD processor company, with enough
new material and ideas in four months for them to have to
register six new patents.
... why are you people bothering to attempt to go "oh, this
guy must not know anything therefore we'll waste the list's
time with our opinions on whether he cannot do anything",
such that i have to refute you, and look like a complete
egg-head jumped-up i'm-better-than-you horn-blowing tosser?
stop it!
everyone has their level and areas of expertise: instead of
turning this into a pissing contest, be glad and humbled for
an opportunity to learn from each other.
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