Re: Issues in Booting kernel 2.6.13

From: Simen Thoresen
Date: Mon Oct 10 2005 - 04:53:18 EST

Hi Devesh,

I still have problems, and I see both mptbase and mptscsih loading, so I've assumed that mkinitrd is not happy with the new kernel.

Could you please mail me your .config directly so I can have a look at it?


Devesh Sharma wrote:
Randy, Simen and list
I am sorry , I could not reply ur post on 6th oct as I have noticed
ur reply today. But I have got the solution for this.

During make menuconfig I forgot to include MPT FUSION device support
in my erlier compilation. But Now this is working fine

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Simen Thoresen, Wulfkit Support, Dolphin ICS
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