sys_nanosleep round-off error
From: Koen Martens
Date: Fri Oct 21 2005 - 04:33:57 EST
Hi All,
We just had some weird stuff going on with nanosleep. When interrupted
by a signal, it should return the amount of sleeptime remaining.
However, when (for example) setting the time to sleep to 10
milliseconds, it would sometimes return a remaining sleep time of 15ms.
Now, we can see why this is happening, we suspect this line:
expire = timespec_to_jiffies(&t) + (t.tv_sec || t.tv_nsec);
Expire is the number of jiffies that is passed to schedule_timeout(),
and we see that if we do indeed have some time to sleep, 1 is added to
this number.
On the system where we saw this, a jiffie is 5 msec.
So when we enter nanosleep with 10msec to sleep, it converts that to 2
jiffies, and expire is 3. Then when the timeout is interrupted by a
signal before any timeout is actually done, we return with 3 and this is
converted back to 15msec...
So, the big question: why is the + (t.tv_sec || t.tv_nsec) there?? I
assume it has to do with round-off, eg. when you put 9msec in, you get 1
jiffie, but want to round-of upwards to 10msec=2jiffies.
Koen Martens | Developer | TomTom | koen.martens@xxxxxxxxxx | +31 (0) 20 850 09 81
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