Re: New (now current development process)
From: Martin J. Bligh
Date: Tue Nov 01 2005 - 23:53:02 EST
>> fud. Every -mm release is built with allmodconfig on x86 and on x86_64.
>> It's also cross-compiled on fat configs for alpha, ppc32, ppc64, sparc64,
>> arm and ia64. It's booted on x86, x86_64, ppc64 and ia64. Every release.
> What fud? I stand by my claim - I have tried to do the same thing for
> -mm and found that I didn't have guts for that; too much work. For mainline
> I do cross-builds for allmodconfig on a *lot* more targets than what you've
> mentioned and generally it stays within ~150-200Kb of patches, about half
> of that being a fix for 8390 mess.
> _IF_ somebody wants to do that for -mm, yell and you are more than welcome
> to all infrastructure, except for the cycles on build box I'm using.
> Incidentally, it is a box at work - my energy bill is high enough as it
> is, without adding an 8-way 3GHz iamd64 to it...
I'll do that if you want. I have a big lab full of largish boxes with
serious aircon, and IBM can afford the power bill. I'm assuming this
is a farm of cross-compilers that'll run on x86 (or x86_64)?
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