Re: [Lhms-devel] [PATCH 0/7] Fragmentation Avoidance V19
From: Bron Nelson
Date: Fri Nov 04 2005 - 01:16:42 EST
> I was kind of thinking that the stats should be per-process (actually
> per-mm) rather than bound to cpusets. /proc/<pid>/pageout-stats or something.
The particular people that I deal with care about constraining things
on a per-cpuset basis, so that is the information that I personally am
looking for. But it is simple enough to map tasks to cpusets and vice-versa,
so this is not really a serious consideration. I would generically be in
favor of the per-process stats (even though the application at hand is
actually interested in the cpuset aggregate stats), because we can always
produce an aggregate from the detailed, but not vice-versa. And no doubt
some future as-yet-unimagined application will want per-process info.
Bron Campbell Nelson bron@xxxxxxx
These statements are my own, not those of Silicon Graphics.
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