Re: Premptible Kernels and Timer Frequencies
From: Felix Oxley
Date: Fri Nov 04 2005 - 06:45:06 EST
AndyLiebman@xxxxxxx wrote:
Thanks again, Steve. That was really well explained. It would be great to
hear from Alan too if he has a moment. And it would be great to post all of this
on the site. I'm sure lots of people are scratching their heads
about these new options and information such as this will help people set off
in the right direction.
I know it would be cool to get a mail from Linux or AM or AC, but you
really have no right to expect an answer from anybody in particular,
especially with a reasonably straight forward question of a general nature.
After all if you phone Microsoft to discuss whether you should configure
Windows to optimize for foreground or background tasks you don't expect
to speak to Bill Gates or Steve Balmer do you?
In my view it is bad form and shows you up when you do this.
BTW, you are top posting again.
(Finally, this may be a cheap shot, but it is possible that posting to
LKML with an AOL email address carries some stigma :-)
I lurk therefore I am
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