Re: New Linux Development Model
From: Adrian Bunk
Date: Sat Nov 05 2005 - 08:44:49 EST
On Sat, Nov 05, 2005 at 02:19:30PM +0100, Edgar Hucek wrote:
> Hi.
Hi Edgar,
> Sorry for not posting my Name.
> Maybe you don't understand what i wanted to say or it's my bad english.
> The ipw2200 driver was only an example. I had also problems with, vmware,
> unionfs...
> What i mean ist, that kernel developers make incompatible changes to the
> header
> files, change structures, interfaces and so on. Which makes the kernel
> releases
> incompatible.
you've already been given a pointer to the
Documentation/stable_api_nonsense.txt document in the kernel sources
that explains these issues.
> There are several reasons why modules are not in the mainline kernel and
> will never
> get there. So saying, bring modules to the kernel is wrong.
It's not wrong.
Every vendor of any kind of software will tell you A is supported and
B is not supported.
It's a consensus among the Linux kernel developers that the Linux kernel
does not support a stable API for external modules.
You don't have to like this decision, but stable_api_nonsense.txt
explains it.
If you dislike this decision, there are several other operating systems
whose vendors do offer a stable API for external modules.
> The right way would be to take care of defined interfaces, header files,
> and so on.
> Otherwise you could only say the kernel 2.6.14 is only compatible to
> 2.6.14.X and
> you there is no stable 2.6 mainline kernel.
The 2.6 is a stable kernel series in the sense that it doesn't crash
very often.
2.6.14 is not API-compatible with 2.6.15.
But this has always been this way, the new development model only brings
more API changes than the previous development models.
> I think it's also no task for the user, to search the net why external
> driver xyz not
> works with a new kernel ( because of incompatibilties ). Basicly in new
> kernel there
> could be a chance for the user a driver works better, because a bug was
> fixed in the
> kernel.
I do agree, this is not a task for the user.
It's a task for the vendors of the external modules.
> cu
> ED.
"Is there not promise of rain?" Ling Tan asked suddenly out
of the darkness. There had been need of rain for many days.
"Only a promise," Lao Er said.
Pearl S. Buck - Dragon Seed
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