Re: Does Linux has File Stream mapping support...?

From: James Courtier-Dutton
Date: Fri Nov 18 2005 - 15:13:52 EST

Arijit Das wrote:
Is it possible to have File Stream Mapping in Linux? What I mean is

FILE * fp1 = fopen("/foo", "w");
FILE * fp2 = fopen("/bar", "w");
FILE * fp_common = <Stream_Mapping_Func>(fp1, fp2);

fprint(fp_common, "This should be written to both files ... /foo and

So, what I am looking for is anything written to "fp_common" should
actually be written to the streams fp1 and fp2.

Does Linux support this any way? Is there any way to achieve this...? Is
there anything like <Stream_Mapping_Func>(above) ...?

Do pardon me if you feel that it is a wrong Forum to ask this question
but I tried everywhere else and thought that implementers would best
know about it, if at all anything like that exists.


Why not just output to a file, and then use "tail -f filename"

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