on an nForce2 system (GigaByte 7NNXP) when the CPU is under heavy load (like during kernel compilation for instance, or any compilation of any bigger project, for that matter), I hear some beeps comming out of the PC speaker. It's like few short beeps per second for a while, then silence for few seconds, then a beep here and there, and again, and so on. It is quite strange. It happens ever since I remember (I mean in kernel versions of course, I have the board for about 1.5 years). I've just been kind of ignoring it until now. Does anybody else happen to see the same symptoms? What could be the cause of this. Is it something about timing? But how come the PC speaker gets kiced in, while it's not being used at all (well, at least not intentionally) for anything. Perhaps something is writing some ports it is not supposed to?