Re: How to enable/disable security features on mmap() ?
From: Emmanuel Fleury
Date: Thu Dec 08 2005 - 10:30:29 EST
linux-os (Dick Johnson) wrote:
> In reference to the random-stack patch....
> Executing the following program on linux-
> #include <stdio.h>
> int main()
> {
> int foo;
> printf("%p\n", &foo);
> return 0;
> }
> ... a few thousand times and sorting its output shows
> the stack varies from:
> 0xbf7fe144 -> 0xbffff674
> Isn't this too much? I thought the random-stack patch was
> only supposed to vary it a page or 64k at most. This looks
> like some broken logic because it varies almost 8 megabytes!
> No wonder some of my user's database programs sometimes seg-fault
> and other times work perfectly fine. I think this is incorrect
> and shows a serious bug (misbehavior).
Well, there are some other strangeness (especially when running on a
x86_64 architecture). See:
The ASLR should take advantage of the 64 bits wide address pointers but
doesn't. It behaves as on a 32bits architecture. I didn't find why (must
be a good reason though but I'm just puzzled).
Moreover, the libc location (and all other dynamic libs) is not
randomized under x86_64. I have no explanation for this. :-/
Emmanuel Fleury
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