Re: ipw2200 [was Re: RFC: Starting a stable kernel series off the 2.6 kernel]
From: Ben Slusky
Date: Mon Dec 12 2005 - 12:34:21 EST
On Sat, 10 Dec 2005 23:30:30 -0600, Rob Landley wrote:
> Query: if you tell lilo or grub that it has an initrd but feed it a gzipped
> cpio image, will the kernel figure everything out and initialize initramfs
> from that appropriately?
Yes, I've been booting my laptop this way (using GRUB) since 2.6.7 or so.
Ben Slusky | It was only after their population
sluskyb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | of 50 mysteriously shrank to eight
sluskyb@xxxxxxxxxx | that the other seven dwarfs began
PGP keyID ADA44B3B | to suspect Hungry.
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