Is kgdb available for Sparc ?
From: Aurelyen Tomp
Date: Wed Dec 14 2005 - 10:02:55 EST
Hie everyone,
I have just downloaded the kgdb-2-2.6.14 patch for I need
to implement remote debugging of Linux ON A SPARC MACHINE.
Could anyone just tell me : once applied the <core-lite.patch>,
do I also need to write some sparc-specific <sparc.patch>
& <sparc-lite.patch> files ? (...there are none in the kgdb dir.)
Best regards,
A. Tomp
PS : I'm asking this, because I've seen that the downloaded
directory contains several <xyz.patch> & <xyz-lite.patch> files,
where xyz denotes several architecture BUT SPARC... Therefore
I wander if kgdb is available already for SPARC architecture.
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