Re: recommended mail clients
From: Lee Revell
Date: Mon Dec 26 2005 - 13:42:32 EST
On Mon, 2005-12-26 at 20:28 +0200, Jaco Kroon wrote:
> I've looked at a few clients and it seems I'm stuck with mozilla for
> at least a while. Whilst probably the buggiest client there is it
> does look like it's the best suited for what I want. I might switch
> to FireFox (which iirc does have an "insert file" feature - which
> might also solve this problem).
> For the moment though I'm quickly hacking together a bash script that
> wraps the sendmail binary that can be used specifically for submitting
> patches
I am amused at how many people are not scared of kernel hacking but will
go to great lengths to avoid looking at the Mozilla code :-)
IMHO "Insert File" is suboptimal, it's better to make C&P work right.
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