Re: recommended mail clients
From: Ryan Anderson
Date: Tue Dec 27 2005 - 16:56:21 EST
On Mon, Dec 26, 2005 at 10:58:22AM -0800, Randy.Dunlap wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Dec 2005 20:28:40 +0200 Jaco Kroon wrote:
> > For the moment though I'm quickly hacking together a bash script that
> > wraps the sendmail binary that can be used specifically for submitting
> > patches (the intent is to perform certain checks for Signed-of-by lines,
> > correct [PATCH] subject and so forth). If anybody else is interrested
> > I'd be more than happy to share (albeit I suspect the usefullness will
> > be seriously limited).
> Greg KH and Paul Jackson have both written scripts for this.
> And there may be one in the quilt package.
> Paul's (python) is at
> I don't recall where Greg's is (perl).
Greg's has been hacked at a bit to provide a little bit more of a user
interface, and is included in the Git source tree. ("git-send-email").
When I added it, I made it use a few more perl modules, I think it
generally does the right thing.
It *does not* validate for things like Signed-off-by lines, though
admittedly, that wouldn't be hard ot add.
> ---
> ~Randy
> -
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Ryan Anderson
sometimes Pug Majere
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