Dave Jones wrote:
On Thu, Dec 29, 2005 at 06:53:42PM -0600, Alejandro Bonilla wrote:
> Why is it that when I git fetch, this particular part takes a long time?
> > pack/pack-2dae6bb81ac4383926b1d6a646e3f73b130ba124.pack
> > Normally, they go pretty fast, but when a new rc or final releases comes > up, it takes a lot.
That file is ~100MB. That'll take a while to download compared to the rest,
even on the fastest net connection :)
If you're carrying around a mostly current tree, you should probably not
use "rsync" (which is probably why you're seeing that pack line)
Run this:
sed -i.old -e 's/rsync/git/' .git/remotes/origin
and your pulls should go significantly faster.
(The file named "origin" might be in .git/branches/, also.)
You want the file to contain pretty much just this line:
Also, out of curiosity, do:
du -sh .git/objects/ .git/objects/pack/
You shouldn't see a .git/objects/pack/ much greater than 200 meg, in
fact, on freshly cloned tree it would only be about 100 meg: