Re: [OT] ALSA userspace API complexity
From: Leonard Milcin Jr.
Date: Thu Jan 05 2006 - 07:47:50 EST
Tomasz Kłoczko wrote in his signature:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> *Ludzie nie mają problemów, tylko sobie sami je stwarzają*
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Allow me translate sentence from my signature to english
> "People do not have problems they create them themselves"
> and ALSA case matches in 100%.
Look, kloczek, how less problems we cold have by banishing
all the technology and going back to stone age?
The complexity is sometimes unavoidable if one tries to
please as many as possible. But why not userspace library
that simplifies access to ALSA for those who don't need
all the ,,complexity''? That pleases both -- those who
need feauters, and those who only need to pass something
to speakers. Maybe there are cards that work with OSS and
not with ALSA, and that may be the reason to keep it just
for some time. But in the long run I don't think there is
a need to have two sound systems in kernel just because
one is complicated and other lacks some features.
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