Warnings on void* arithmetic

From: J.A. Magallon
Date: Fri Jan 06 2006 - 17:23:44 EST


Building the nVidia driver gives this couple warnings. I send them just
to see if they are real bugs or not.

include/linux/prefetch.h: In function âprefetch_rangeâ:
include/linux/prefetch.h:62: warning: pointer of type âvoid *â used in arithmetic

static inline void prefetch_range(void *addr, size_t len)
char *cp;
char *end = addr + len; <<<<<<<<<<<<<

for (cp = addr; cp < end; cp += PREFETCH_STRIDE)

include/asm/io.h: In function âcheck_signatureâ:
include/asm/io.h:258: warning: wrong type argument to increment

static inline int check_signature(volatile void __iomem * io_addr,
const unsigned char *signature, int length)
int retval = 0;
do {
if (readb(io_addr) != *signature)
goto out;
io_addr++; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
} while (length);
retval = 1;
return retval;

J.A. Magallon <jamagallon()able!es> \ Software is like sex:
werewolf!able!es \ It's better when it's free
Mandriva Linux release 2006.1 (Cooker) for i586
Linux 2.6.15-jam1 (gcc 4.0.2 (4.0.2-1mdk for Mandriva Linux release 2006.1))

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature