Re: [KERNEL 2.6.15] All files have -rw-rw-rw- permission.
From: Junio C Hamano
Date: Sat Jan 07 2006 - 18:29:16 EST
Komuro <komurojun-mbn@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> But, is there any reason to set -----w--w- bit
> by default?
Please do not extract the kernel tarball as the root user,
especially if you do not know how tar command works for root
user by default (hint: --no-same-permissions).
Setting g-w in the archive forces arbitrary policy on people who
work with umask 002 as a non-root user. We can let that policy
to be controlled by user's umask by being lenient in the
tarball. For the same reason, if somebody has umask 0, there is
no reason for us (as tarball creator) to impose o-w as a policy
on him either, hence git-tar-tree output has 0666 or 0777 modes.
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