Re: Console debugging wishlist was: Re: oops pauser.
From: Jan Engelhardt
Date: Tue Jan 10 2006 - 16:29:20 EST
>But it wasn't actually my point. If you get
>an problem during bootup - not necessarily an oops, but could
>be also a no root panic or your SCSI controller not working or
>something else - and you can reproduce it it's a PITA to examine
>the kernel output before because there is no way to get
>enough scrollback. For the oops itself it's not needed - it typically
>fits on the screen. But if it happens every boot it would be nice
>if you could just boot with "more" and then page through
>the kernel output and check what's going on.
Ah yes, I had not considered boot oopses/panics. My bad.
Jan Engelhardt
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