On Sad, 2006-01-14 at 20:34 -0800, Marc Perkel wrote:Look - all I did was ask a simple question about what was the status of Reiser 4 and everyone is freaking out that I asked the question. You guys are acting like you are members of a cult or something. I'm not advocating anything. I just asked a question.
I just asked a question. Obviously it's a question that seems to politically hot to handle. I didn't realize reiser 4 was a prohibited subject.I am not going to search the archives before asking a question.
Its not. Possibly your behaviour should come under "prohibited attitude"
but we don't have thought crime on the list beyond that your government
may be seeking to impose.
Its an "oh god not again" subject that has been beaten to death
repeatedly, and that is why people asked you to look at the archive
instead of wasting everyones time.
If you are really keen to get resierfs4 into the base kernel why not
email the reiserfs4 people and ask to help clean up the code and test
it ?