RE: My vote against eepro* removal
From: kus Kusche Klaus
Date: Thu Jan 19 2006 - 05:06:46 EST
> From: Arjan van de Ven
> On Thu, 2006-01-19 at 08:19 +0100, kus Kusche Klaus wrote:
> > Last time I tested (around 2.6.12), eepro100 worked much better
> > in -rt kernels w.r.t. latencies than e100:
> no offence but this is EXACTLY the reason why having 2 drivers for the
> same hardware is bad. People (in general) will switch to the
> 2nd driver
> if they hit some thing that is suboptimal, rather than
> reporting or even
> fixing it. The result of that is that you end up with 2 drivers, each
> serving a portion of the users but both suboptimal in non-overlapping
> ways. Having one driver that's good enough for both groups is clearly
> superior to that....
You describe exactly what happened: I had a problem with e100, I tried
eepro100, I was happy with eepro100 (I didn't notice it was scheduled
for removal), I didn't care about e100 any more...
I also agree that things should not happen that way, but it was the
easy way.
Klaus Kusche (Software Development - Control Systems)
KEBA AG Gewerbepark Urfahr, A-4041 Linz, Austria (Europe)
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