Re: [PATCH] IPW2100 fails to load firmware when booting on battery

From: Ingo Oeser
Date: Sun Jan 22 2006 - 04:13:29 EST

On Saturday 21 January 2006 21:18, Olaf Hering wrote:
> We carry this patch around since a while. Is it safe to increase the
> timeout also in mainline?
> References:
> IPW2100 fails to load firmware when booting on battery; increasing the
> timeout solves the problem.

Not needed, can be adjusted from user space, once /sys is mounted.
echo -n 30 >/sys/class/firmware/timeout

The firmware class driver just provides a sane default, nothing else.

If this becomes a very common case (many drivers having big firmware
and userspace needs a lot of time providing it), your patch should go in.
But then the _default_ is wrong for many users.


Ingo Oeser

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