Re: GPL V3 and Linux - Dead Copyright Holders
From: Peter Read
Date: Sat Jan 28 2006 - 05:38:22 EST
> It's a good place to start putting pressure on the OEM's. If they can
> choose between heavy DRM'ed and closed hardware, and pay millions in
> license fees, or get the software they need for free in return for
> dropping the restrictions, some are bound to choose the free route. This
> is where the fight begins.
It'd be nice to think that licensing fees wouldn't make a difference
as people would understand that locking themselves into something
they're not allowed to exert any control over is not a good idea... &
so oem's would have to chose due to revenue loss rather than simply
'licensing savings'.
Unfortunately I doubt we're anywhere near close enough yet, so I'll
get my head out of cloud nine...
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