Re: [RFC] VM: I have a dream...
From: Andrew Walrond
Date: Wed Feb 01 2006 - 04:49:35 EST
On Wednesday 01 February 2006 04:06, Barry K. Nathan wrote:
> Also, the only way I see where "there is no more swapping" and
> "[y]ou're dealing with memory only" is if the disk *becomes* main
> memory, and main memory becomes an L3 (or L4) cache for the CPU [and
> as a consequence, main memory also becomes the main form of long-term
> storage]. Is that what you're proposing?
In the not-too-distant future, there is likely to be a ram/disk price
inversion; ram becomes cheaper/mb than disk. At that point, we'll be buying
hardware based on "how much disk can I afford to provide power-off backup of
my ram?" rather than "how much ram can I afford?"
At that point, things will change.
Maybe, then, everything _will_ be in ram (with the kernel will intelligently
write out pages to the disk in the background, incase of power failure and
ready for a shutdown). Disk reads only ever occur during a power-on
population of ram.
Blue skys....
Andrew Walrond
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