Re: Right way to configure a driver? (sysfs, ioctl, proc, configfs,....)
From: Jan Engelhardt
Date: Wed Feb 01 2006 - 11:16:13 EST
>As I said in previous messages, my driver is a kind of virtual network
>device (imagine something like "snull" in LDD3) and my question was:
>what would be the right way to configure it? I know, i know, there is
>not a unique question for that, but I'm sure at least there are
>suggestions. Some years ago, maybe there was no alternative other than
>using system calls or ioctls, but the spectrum is a lot wider now.
>I try to resume here the different ways that could be used, and their
>original purpose:
>* SYSFS: this is to export system information
>* CONFIGFS: this is to configure kernel modules/subsystems.
So there basically is an "exportfs" (sysfs) and an "importfs" (configfs).
[This has nothing to do with the nfs-exportfs for the moment.]
Can't these be merged to have a "importexportfs", would make things
simpler. Especially with system parameters (exported stuff, /sys) can be
changed (aka imported).
Jan Engelhardt
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