Re: calling bios interrupt
From: linux-os (Dick Johnson)
Date: Thu Feb 02 2006 - 10:22:48 EST
On Thu, 2 Feb 2006, Alan Cox wrote:
> On Iau, 2006-02-02 at 08:48 +0100, Jozef Kutej wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Can someone help me solve my problem with on board watch dog timer that
>> need to call bios interrupt? Here's how to update watch dog timer.
>> mov ax,6f02h
>> mov bl, 30 ;number of seconds
>> int 15h
>> How can i do this in kernel so that i can write wdt driver?
> You need to drive the hardware directly. Ask the vendor for the hardware
> info, or alternatively you might want to try using a library like lrmi
> in user space to call it and log the I/O instructions it tries to
> execute.
Also, if the machine has a floppy, boot DOS. Write the above snippit
of code using DOS debug. Step through it. Watch what register(s) get
- a100
- mov ax,6f02
- mov bl, ff
- int 15
- int 3
rip 100
- t ; trace the steps.
Once the timer gets written, the machine will reboot when it
times-out. Therefore use a large timeout value as above 0xff.
Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version on an i686 machine (5589.66 BogoMips).
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