Re: CD writing in future Linux try #2
From: Jan Engelhardt
Date: Thu Feb 02 2006 - 11:28:35 EST
>> Someone remind me why the whole world is a prisoner to Joerg's cd
>> burning program?
>> Anybody can write their own, and if Joerg is a pain to work with that
>> is a double extra incentive for this other implementation to be
>> written.
>> In fact I'm very surprised this hasn't happened already.
> Because Jorg has maintained the program for a decade, has found and supported
> new vendors and devices, he seems to get new hardware sooner than most, and
> many programs and scripts use his program as an output stage.
Because cdrecord (and recently -prodvd) work. And they are "somewhat free".
There are not much dvd-dl writing programs around that do it without crashing
freezing or foobaring the disc. You are right, I could go to Nero or Nero4Linux
("the best of burning from Windows now for Linux"), but I don't.
> he thinks his
> DVD-pro thing will make money but the last time I checked he didn't tke credit
> cards or paypal
The last time I checked, prodvd was free for non-commercial purposes and - as
far as I can *guess* - is free for commercial purposes as long as they give
notice that it is being used. Unless commercials disguise using the
non-commercial key.
Jan Engelhardt
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