Re: changing physical page

From: yipee
Date: Thu Feb 02 2006 - 23:57:13 EST

linux-os (Dick Johnson <linux-os <at>> writes:


> If your program(s) rely upon being in some physical location,
> they are broken. Even with mlockall(), you just keep them
> where they are, not where you'd like them to be. If you
> are trying to DMA into/out-of user-space, there is only
> ONE way to do it. Your driver allocates DMA-able pages and
> your code mmaps() it into user-space. That way, the page(s)
> are always present and have the right attributes. If you
> malloc() something, then try to "convert" in the kernel
> through your driver, the code's broken.

And all this page-moving for getting contiguous DMA memory, happens today on
x86_64 kernels?
Can you please give me a pointer to the source code?


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