Re: [Suspend2-devel] Re: [ 00/10] [Suspend2] Modules support.
From: Pavel Machek
Date: Fri Feb 03 2006 - 06:48:20 EST
Just for the record.
> Here is what I prefer in suspend2:
> - it works (i.e. I have compiled it for at least 20 different Rawhide
> kernels and it always suspended/resumed properly)
> - it is reliable (e.g. I have suspended/resumed mid kernel compile -
> actually, kernel RPM build, which included compile - many times,
> without any ill effect)
Rafael has test patch for this one.
> - it is fast (i.e. even on my crappy old HP ZE4201
> [], it writes all
> of 700+ MB of RAM to disk just as fast or faster than swsusp).
Help us with userland parts of uswsusp, pretty please?
> - it looks nice (both text and GUI interface supported)
Planned for userland parts.
> - it leaves the system responsive on resume (kinda nice to come back to
> X and "Just Use it")
Merged in latest mainline.
> - it suspends to both swap and file (I personally use swap, but many
> people on the list use file)
Doable in userland parts; not sure with someone plans it.
> Just today, I tried the most recent Rawhide kernel (based on
> 2.6.16-rc1-git5) with swsusp and for the first time *ever* it actually
> returned X to its original state (I was so excited, I even notified
> people on suspend2 development list about it). But, on second
> suspend/resume, it promptly locked up my system. Before, it would
> simply lock up. So, if swsusp can be made to actually work, be
> reliable, look nice and be responsive on resume, I'm all for it. I will
> miss Nigel's excellent support though, but I'm sure he deserves a break
> :-)
Can you do usual "try again with minimum drivers" debugging?
Thanks, Sharp!
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