[2.6.16rc2] compile error

From: Alexander Fieroch
Date: Fri Feb 03 2006 - 13:54:32 EST


I can't compile kernel 2.6.16-rc[12] and get the following error:

# make
/bin/sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
/bin/sh: -c: line 0: `set -e; echo ' CHK include/linux/version.h';
mkdir -p include/linux/; if [ `echo -n "2.6.16-rc2 .file null
.ident GCC:(GNU)4.0.320060128(prerelease)(Debian4.0.2-8) .section
.note.GNU-stack,,@progbits" | wc -c ` -gt 64 ]; then echo '"2.6.16-rc2
.file null .ident GCC:(GNU)4.0.320060128(prerelease)(Debian4.0.2-8)
.section .note.GNU-stack,,@progbits" exceeds 64 characters' >&2; exit 1;
fi; (echo \#define UTS_RELEASE \"2.6.16-rc2 .file null .ident
GCC:(GNU)4.0.320060128(prerelease)(Debian4.0.2-8) .section
.note.GNU-stack,,@progbits\"; echo \#define LINUX_VERSION_CODE `expr 2
\\* 65536 + 6 \\* 256 + 16`; echo '#define KERNEL_VERSION(a,b,c) (((a)
<< 16) + ((b) << 8) + (c))'; ) < /usr/src/linux-2.6.16rc2/Makefile >
include/linux/version.h.tmp; if [ -r include/linux/version.h ] && cmp -s
include/linux/version.h include/linux/version.h.tmp; then rm -f
include/linux/version.h.tmp; else echo ' UPD
include/linux/version.h'; mv -f include/linux/version.h.tmp
include/linux/version.h; fi'
make: *** [include/linux/version.h] Error 2

Kernel 2.6.15 is compiling without problems. So what have I to do?


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